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The Crown Jewels Petanque Club (CJPC) meet here at The Warren most Sundays from 1pm throughout the year for practice and social petanque (weather permitting), members of The Warren are more than welcome to join us.

Match Night is on a Wednesday evening during both the Summer and Winter Kent Petanque League seasons. Half of these matches are at home and half are away, only CJPC members may play in these match games.

Occasionally some of our members may be here to practice on a Wednesday when the rest of the team have an away match. The Warren members are also welcome to join us on these occasions.

There is no charge for joining us to play on a Sunday or the occasional Wednesday when we are here, but regular players may wish to become members of CJPC.

Membership of CJPC is currently £20 a year payable at our AGM in January or pro rata thereafter.

If you are interested and would like more information or if you would like to become a member of CJPC please contact Ian Smith at